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DiLKiYA Cool Cool Mukhwas: A sweet and refreshing treat

DiLKiYA Cool Cool Mukhwas is a delicious and refreshing treat that is perfect for any occasion. It is made with a variety of ingredients, including sugar balls, mishri, khus khus, tinimini, sugar coated fennel, plain fennel, cardamom, menthol, dates, dhanadal, loose betel nut, permitted sweetners, food colors, and flavors.

This mukhwas is known for its sweet and cooling taste. The sugar balls and mishri provide sweetness, while the khus khus, tinimini, fennel, cardamom, and menthol give it a cooling and refreshing effect. The dates, dhanadal, add a chewy texture and nutty flavor.

DiLKiYA Cool Cool Mukhwas is a popular choice for after-meals, as it helps to freshen the breath and aid in digestion. It can also be enjoyed as a snack or dessert.

Benefits of eating DiLKiYA Cool Cool Mukhwas

There are many benefits to eating DiLKiYA Cool Cool Mukhwas. Some of the most notable benefits include:

  • Freshens the breath: The sweet and refreshing taste of this mukhwas helps to freshen the breath and remove bad smells.
  • Aids in digestion: The digestive enzymes in the fennel and cardamom seeds help to break down food and aid in digestion.
  • Relieves constipation: The fiber in the khus khus and dates helps to relieve constipation and keep the digestive system healthy.
  • Boosts immunity: The antioxidants in the cardamom and menthol help to boost the immune system and fight off infection.
  • Reduces stress: The menthol in this mukhwas has a calming effect on the mind and body, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

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